About Us

Hello! Thanks for stopping by butterflybushes.com. We're glad you're here and hope that we can be your first choice for plants and flowers for butterfly gardens.
Who we are
Butterflybushes.com was founded by Rose Franklin in the early days of the internet as a source for butterfly bushes and other shrubs and perennials that attract butterflies. When she and her husband Andy decided to go into semi-retirement in 2019, we - the folks behind GreatGardenPlants.com - purchased the web address and relaunched the online store with a new look, new plants, and tons of information about gardening for pollinators.
All of us here at ButterflyBushes.com are life-long gardeners who are just as passionate about butterfly and hummingbird gardens as you are, and we want to give you the plants and the know-how to turn your yard into a haven for pollinators. We still get a thrill every time we find a new caterpillar in the garden or see a new butterfly visiting, and we want to share that feeling with you.
We raise our plants using least-toxic, pollinator-friendly practices, such as natural enemies, traps, and exclusion. Occasionally, a severe issue may require the application of a pesticide, such as an oil or soap. We do not use neonicotinoid pesticides. If you have any concerns about your plants' treatment prior to purchase, please call customer service at 877-447-4769.
Wondering what Rose and Andy are up to since retiring from butterflybushes.com? They're still running their monarchs and milkweed site, where you can purchase butterflies, butterfly eggs, and of course, milkweed.
Where we are
We are located in beautiful West Michigan, just nine miles as the crow (or butterfly!) flies from the shores of Lake Michigan. Our facilities are not open to the public, but if you are in the Grand Haven/Holland/Grand Rapids/Muskegon area and want to save on shipping by picking up your order, just give us a call and we'll set it up.
Contact us
Have a question, comment, or need to get in touch for some other reason? We're easy to reach. You can call us at 877-447-4769 during business hours, e-mail us anytime, or write to us at:
12601 120th Avenue
Grand Haven, Michigan 49417